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Presentation tip

Use a Cliffhanger in Your Presentation

Imagine you're watching your favorite TV series. Just when the tension reaches its peak and you're on the edge of your seat, the episode suddenly ends. A moment of intense anticipation follows – you want to know what will happen next, your brain is alert and active. Why? Because cliffhangers stimulate our ability to experience curiosity. And here's the remarkable part: the same powerful technique that keeps you glued to the screen can also be used to engage and keep your audience attentive during a presentation.


Integrating a well-placed cliffhanger into your presentation can evoke a similar series of reactions. The tension you create activates your audience's minds, as they instinctively crave a satisfying conclusion. And now, the question is, how do you apply this in a presentation?


One tip: Hold Back the Revelation.
Just before reaching the most pivotal point of your presentation, pause and indicate that the revelation is on its way. This fosters a sense of anticipation and tension. You briefly hold off on the revelation, share a quick additional tidbit, thus leaving the audience in a state of high curiosity regarding your conclusion. The primary aim of a cliffhanger is mainly to spark curiosity.


Another effective approach is to conclude with a question. Consider asking your audience how they would respond in that particular situation. Give them an opportunity to discuss it amongst themselves, allowing for an engaging exchange of thoughts. The more interaction, the better your audience will remember the information. The details that follow this interaction will be better stored in our memory. This keeps your subject lively and ultimately achieves your goal: that your audience remembers something valuable from your presentation.

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