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Online training:
Learn to create presentations like Steve Jobs

The Complete Presentation Toolkit

€ 1.500 for 5 people instead of 2.975

Learn how to quickly and efficiently create a captivating presentation that leaves a memorable impression and boosts your career.


Many people don't know how to approach a presentation. Where do you start? What's the essence? How do you structure the story? How do you create clear slides? You don't need to be a graphic designer to create slides that impress your audience. What you do need is an understanding of visual thinking principles.


The key to success is preparation. Once you know how to create an engaging presentation, all the stress disappears, and the enjoyment of presenting takes over. The result? Successful presentations for an attentive audience. During the online training, you will receive over 500 do's and don'ts, tips, and tricks to create a compelling presentation that captivates.


Participants will receive a PDF of 'The Presentation Toolkit.' This includes approximately 350 slides and insights provided during the training. This way, participants will have the perfect guide full of ideas for all their upcoming presentations.


Three interactive online sessions, each lasting 2 hours.

Inhoud van de training in 8 stappen

How do I find the essence and structure my presentation?

Smart methodologies have been refined: from well-known CEO speeches to strong film scenarios, original Ted Talks, popular advertising laws for the right essence, structure and approach.

How do I captivate my audience from start to finish?

Strong openers, what do we put in the middle section, images and concept techniques and how do you close.

How do I create interaction and hold the attention of my audience?

The impact of images, images reinforce the words. What to show and what not to show? And how do I do that?

How do I find the right mix between image and word?

The impact of images, images reinforce the words. What to show and what not to show? And how do I do that?

How to create crystal clear slides?

The do's and don'ts. Lay-out tips from a professional designer. Ideal for creating and assessing designs.

What to emphasize in a pitch, a company, sales and webinar presentation?

Each presentation has its characteristics and accents. Discover the differences and learn to use them.

Who are you and how do you behave during a presentation?

Radiating self-confidence, the power of vulnerability, daring to show yourself.

Speaking tips to keep your audience alert.

Get the attention you deserve.

Take contact


3 interactive online sessions of 2 hours, because it has been proven that we cannot actively listen more than 2 hours to a webinar. That's why we plan 3 sessions of 2 hours. It is important that you follow the 3 sessions. Of course, we want you to get the most out of it.

€ 595 per person (excl. VAT)
Plus the complete Presentation Toolkit. An interactive PDF with 300 slides that you will use for years to come.

Do you want to register with several from one company? Or do you put together a group yourself? Maximum of 6 participants.
3 participants: € 1.500 (excl. VAT)
4th: Free
5th: Free
6th: Free

For a tailor-made solution 0479/79 42 09

Click below and register. Then we will contact you immediately.

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