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Cookie policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored by a website's server in the browser of your computer or mobile device (smartphone, tablet, etc.) when you visit a website. The cookie contains information that allows your browser to be recognized and informs the website about your previous activities (e.g. language choice, etc.). The website's server can only read the cookies it has placed itself and does not have access to other files stored on your computer or mobile device.

What cookies are used on the Presentation Lab website?

Presentation Lab uses cookies to simplify the use of the website and to improve the speed of your future visits to our website. In addition, we also use cookies to generate anonymous statistics about the use of our website with the aim of improving the structure and content of our website. However, this statistical data does not allow you to be personally identified.

Below you will find a detailed list and description of the cookies used by Presentation Lab.

Technical cookies

These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the Presentation Lab website. For example, these cookies allow you to navigate between the different sections of our website and use certain functionalities. These cookies do not allow you to be identified as an individual. If you refuse these cookies, certain parts of the website may not function optimally or at all.

tfl_cookie_consent_given - Purpose of this cookie: When the visitor first surfs to the Presentation Lab website, they can choose to accept or refuse cookies. This is stored in this cookie and is therefore technically essential to show or not show the pop-up with the request to accept or refuse cookies to the visitor. This cookie cannot be refused.

_icl_current_language - Purpose of this cookie: The chosen language is stored in this cookie. This cookie is technically essential and cannot be refused.

Functional cookies

These cookies ensure that our website remembers the choices you make (e.g. language choice) so that your visit to our website becomes more personalized. These cookies do not allow you to be identified as an individual. If you refuse these cookies, certain parts of the website may not function optimally or at all.

The technical and functional cookies are first-party cookies, which are cookies that come from the Presentation Lab website's own server.

Marketing cookies

These cookies collect information about the use of our website by visitors and provide information, for example, about the pages visited and the time spent per page. These are third-party cookies, which do not come from the Presentation Lab website's own server, but from Google Analytics. These cookies do not allow you to be identified as an individual.

How can you manage or delete cookies?

Most internet browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. You can change the settings to block cookies or to receive a warning when cookies are sent to your computer or mobile device. For more information on how to adjust or change the settings of your browser, you should consult your browser's instructions or help screen.

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Prinsenstraat 8,
1850 Grimbergen
+32 (0)479 79 42 09