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Learn how to efficiently create a captivating presentation.

Join the online training and turn your presentation into a bestseller.

You want to learn how to build a strong story in images and words? You want to create presentations that are crystal clear and convincing? Presenting in a calm and energetic way with self-confidence? Then this training is something for you: you will learn all presentation techniques.

Presentation stress has only increased in this (post)-corona time. Making presentations online and maintaining attention have become more difficult and demanding. The demand for solutions is currently huge.


Many pulling their hair out and and it starts already with the preparation of your presentation and you doubt, struggle with the words and images. It is preparation that will ensure your success. The demand for solutions is currently huge.

What makes this presentation training unique?

This training covers all facets of a presentation and is the most complete on the market.

You will receive more than 1000 do's and don'ts, tips and tricks, which will make it very easy to tackle your preparation efficiently. In short, the complete presentation toolkit.

We work in small groups of maximum six people, so there is a lot of interaction and personal feedback. You will learn smart methodologies from well-known CEO speeches, to strong film scenarios, original Ted Talks and popular advertising laws for the right strategy, structure and approach.


You will receive a notebook with all the slides, providing you with the perfect manual full of ideas and inspiration for all your future presentations.


“The key to success is preparation because if you put energy into the training beforehand, you gain confidence and get the attention you deserve."

Your teacher

Docent Reinhilde Schraepen

Hello, we are Reinhilde Schraepen and Chris Juliam, your instructors. It is our personal mission to transform dull presentations into original and clear stories that resonate with the audience.

Reinhilde gained her experience as a creative manager of her own branding agency, RS Communication, and as an art director in the advertising industry, which has equipped her with the necessary expertise. Together with her team, she has developed hundreds of presentations, both for the healthcare sector and other industries, enabling her to present complex topics clearly.

Chris Juliam was a CEO and had to give hundreds of presentations. She saw many people struggling to convey a clear message, package a request effectively, or analyze and present a situation. For years, she has assisted individuals who had difficulty crafting their insights into a concise and inspiring presentation.

Chris previously asked Reinhilde to provide training for brand managers on the rules of graphic design and advertising. She aimed to create a platform for her brand managers that clarified what was and wasn't in line with the rules of graphic design and advertising. This initiative to collaborate on this workshop was enthusiastically received by Reinhilde.

The question they continuously ask themselves is: how can we translate valuable ideas into a strong presentation? Our presentation training is a powerful guide that provides answers to the most common obstacles when preparing your presentation.

Content of the training in 8 steps

How do I find the essence and structure my presentation?

Smart methodologies have been refined: from well-known CEO speeches to strong film scenarios, original Ted Talks, popular advertising laws for the right essence, structure and approach.

How do I captivate my audience from start to finish?

Strong openers, what do we put in the middle section, images and concept techniques and how do you close.

How do I create interaction and hold the attention of my audience?

Two-way communication, flexible feedback tips and activation of all the senses of your audience.

How do I find the right mix between image and word?

The impact of images, images reinforce the words. What to show and what not to show? And how do I do that?

How to create crystal clear slides?

The do's and don'ts. Lay-out tips from a professional designer. Ideal for creating and assessing designs.

What to emphasize in a pitch, a company, sales and webinar presentation?

Each presentation has its characteristics and accents. Discover the differences and learn to use them.

Who are you and how do you behave during a presentation?

Radiating self-confidence, the power of vulnerability, daring to show yourself.

Speaking tips to keep your audience alert.

Get the attention you deserve.


You know how to prepare a good presentation.
You can find the essence of your presentation.
You understand how to build a strong story.
You can tell your story in images and words.
Your presentation is crystal clear and convincing.
You use different ways to engage your audience in your story.
You present in a calm and energetic way with self-confidence.
You have fun in the preparation and in the storytelling.
You give successful presentations to an audience that listens.
Succes presentation

Training moments


Part 1
03 novembre from 10 to 12
Part 2
09 novembre from 10 to 12
Part 3
10 novembre from 10 to 12


Part 1
14 november from 10 to 12
Part 2
15 november from 10 to 12
Part 3
17 november from 10 to 12


Part 1
20 november from 10 to 12
Part 2
21 november from 10 to 12
Part 3
24 november from 10 to 12


Part 1
27 november from 10 to 12
Part 2
29 november from 10 to 12
Part 3
30 november from 10 to 12


3 interactive online sessions of 2 hours, because it has been proven that we cannot actively listen more than 2 hours to a webinar. That's why we plan 3 sessions of 2 hours. Of course, we want you to get the most out of it.

The data don’t fit?
If, for example, the start date fits but not the dates of the next 2 sessions, you can join another group. It is important that you follow the 3 sessions and choose the dates in order of time.

€ 595 per person (excl. VAT)
Online training in 3 blocks of 2 hours
Plus the complete presentation toolkit

Do you want to register with several from one company? Or do you put together a group yourself? Maximum of 6 participants.
3 participants: € 1.500 (excl. VAT)
4th: Free
5th: Free
6th: Free

Give us a call if you prefer to get other dates or for a tailor-made solution 0479/79 42 09

Click below and register. Then we will contact you immediately.

Let's connect

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Prinsenstraat 8,
1850 Grimbergen
+32 (0)479 79 42 09