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Have your presentation made.

Formula 1:

Make my full presentation.

You don't have enough time to make a presentation that you scores with. You brief us and we make a convincing presentation with our specialists from concept to design, with which you achieve your goal


Company presentations, keynotes, sales presentations, pitches, stakeholder presentations,... We turn every presentation into an impressive story.


You tell us your story and what you want to achieve.

Together we define the structure and the main points of your presentation during a briefing meeting of about two hours.

We start with a storyboard and select what to show and what not. Here the structure and essence become clear.

We go over the presentation together and see what needs to change or be added. We look at whether the structure makes sense and will be understood by your audience. We will continue until you are completely satisfied.
In the meantime, we make a design proposal

After approval of the design, we finalize the presentation and make each slide convincing, crystal clear and beautiful. This way you leave your audience with a wow feeling.

Example of formula 1

Presentation Jobmatch

The CEO of Jobmatch followed our online training and saw that presenting could also be done differently than digesting tables, figures and graphs for one hour.

Formula 2:

Pimp my slides.

You’ve  made a presentation, but are not satisfied with the layout, the graphs are not clear, the photos are not original and the whole thing does not match your corporate identity. We will solve this for you. Our graphic specialists will pimp your presentation into a beautiful and inspiring visual whole. 


You give us your presentation and tell us what you want to achieve.
We choose two slides that we cast in a different layout. Based on these two proposals, you choose what you like best.
Our graphic specialists then work everything out further. With creative images and clear graphs, we give your presentation the visual appearance it needs. Always adapted to the branding of your company.
We deliver you the visually strong presentation in a format that works for you. This way you leave your audience with a wow feeling.

Example of formula 2

Corporate presentation Takeda

An example of module 1: Pimp your slides. An interactive company presentation including a handout for afterwards.

Let's connect

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Prinsenstraat 8,
1850 Grimbergen
+32 (0)479 79 42 09